A New York Public Library website

Entrecote Saute Chambord Sirloin Steak Seasoned And Cooked In Butter, Served With Bordelaise Sauce And Garnish Of Sliced Beef Marro, Cepes Provencale, Parisienne Potatoes And Aubergine Fritters

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Appears in 1 menu:

Low: - → High: -

Date appearing
Earliest: 1958 → Latest: 1958

Placement map: where this dish appears on the page.

More information on
“Entrecote saute Chambord - Sirloin Steak seasoned and cooked in butter, served with Bordelaise Sauce and Garnish of Sliced Beef Marro, Cepes Provencale, Parisienne Potatoes and Aubergine Fritters”: